Climbing the Ladder in Heels
Climbing the Ladder in Heels
Becoming a Butterfly Series
The Celebutante Series



Series: Becoming a Butterfly
Genre: New Adult, Chick Lit, Contemporary Romance

Alex is a recent college graduate going to work at her dream job—well at least her dream company.

Unaware, or unsure, of her talents she stubbles through her career and love life oblivious to what others see in her. Wildly swinging from excelling in one area of her life she often is focussed on the failings of her other parts. But Alex has surrounded herself with good people who will help her when things don’t go the way she wants. And maybe they can help show her a reflection of how they see her rather than how she sees herself.

So join Alexis as she climbs the corporate ladder, tries to sort Mr. Right from Mr. Rightnow and just doesn’t end up becoming the person she idolizes. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.


The Wrong Coast – Part III

Enrique and I were rudely awaken—and sent scrambling to my room by Amber bumbling through the door. She jokingly called it our run of shame. I asked her to never mention it again. Once clothed, as in wearing a couple of mismatched robes, I awkwardly introduced my college friend to the guy I had just had sex all night long with. I wasn’t surprised that Enrique didn’t seem upset by the whole thing. I was […]

The Wrong Coast – Part II

Alicia bailed on us to do some packing. I felt bad and really should have helped her. She insisted that I go out with Amber. We picked up Jemma to replace her. It never occurred to me that Alicia might be tired. I hadn’t really processed what I had agreed to—or what I was giving up yet. I realize now my dear college friend had.

The Wrong Coast – Part I

Amber must have known about the crazy swirling around the Big Apple. She magically appeared, or maybe Alicia summoned her. I got lots of sympathy friend hugs—at least I hope they were sympathy hugs. Of course they were, Amber respects boundaries. Well, she respects some boundaries, just not the work, drink, dance balance stuff. For once I was OK going to a place with like no men and no chance of going home other than […]


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It’s Live! Cover Reveal: Climbing The Ladder In Heels

Today I’m super excited to celebrate the cover reveal for CLIMBING THE LADDER IN HEELS, releasing November 30, 2018. Title: Climbing the Ladder in Heels Genre: New Adult, Chick Lit, Contemporary Romance Release Date: Thursday, November 30, 2017 Cover Designer: Ironwood Publishing Giveaway (open international!) – TBA Blurb: Alex is a recent college graduate going to work at her dream job—well at least her dream company. Unaware, or unsure, of her talents she stubbles through her career […]

My Next Novel…

After three months of radio silence, I’ve got exciting news -my next novel CLIMBING THE LADDER IN HEELS. Cover Reveal tomorrow November 23, 2018. Title: Climbing the Ladder in Heels Genre: New Adult, Chick Lit, Contemporary Romance Release Date: Thursday, November 30, 2017 Cover Designer: Ironwood Publishing  

A Word (or two) on The Chrysalis Project

Hopefully you’ve noticed and read my weekly updated continuing story. If not go read it, I’ll wait for you. The Internet so rocks.