Fifty Shades of Todd

Amber left early in the week. I hope things get back to normal. Too many late night—drinking. I went shopping with her a couple of times. She helped me work on my 333 wardrobe. OK, she helped me reset my 333 wardrobe since I ended up ordering some different dresses online. She tried to convince me to free up some wardrobe spaces by sleeping naked, but we all aren’t shameless supermodels. I opted for a […]

Tasty Spit Roast

And as promised Amber crashed into my life again. Between work and her I haven’t had much time for anything else. Especially after Jemma met her. So since then we’ve been going out every night. Also, Todd finally remembered how to return text/calls/etc. I had to put him on pause as I remembered the creative chaos of my out-of-town friend.

Fashion Godmother

I had a meeting with a head hunter. She called me about a potential job. I took an extended lunch when Todd wasn’t available. Strange since apparently Todd was the one who gave my name to the head hunter. It wasn’t a job offer yet, but there was something coming up that she said I would be perfect for. The head hunter was very nice with a touch of frost. She seemed on the verge […]

In a City That Doesn’t Sleep

Back in the Big Apple. Things only seem to happen in one of two speeds: fast or light speed. Missed a whole bunch of yoga—and Todd. Enrique comes by at least once a day to try to engage in chit-chat. Jemma usually shoes him away. I know I have this thing with Todd, but it doesn’t mean I don’t like seeing Enrique. And even his attempts at small talk by fishing for something to do […]

Miami Vice

I’ll admit it, I have never been to Miami. Lived all my life on the East Coast and went to college and near been there. While everyone else was getting drunk at spring break I was home in my PJs reading a book. And now I’m going there on business and being told to bring a swimsuit. I sometimes marvel at the company I work for.

Burning the Candle at Both Ends

I went home “early” after the first yoga session. I bugged Alicia to help me to reproduce the smoky look that had done me so when at the company mixer. What I really needed was a version for dummies. She did it on me trying to simplify it.  It still looked good, but was far too complicated for me—at least on a daily basis. I wasn’t going to get up an hour early to do […]

Waking Up to the Grind

I spent the week diving headlong into work, which was easy since there’s always so much to do. I also hid myself away and avoided Enrique which became much easier when he went out-of-town for business. Jemma had no problem teasing me when ever an opportunity presented itself. I was just too embarrassed, though I’m not sure why. Yes, I’m not the kind of person who goes home with someone for a one night stand. […]