A Night with Enrique

Back to that night. Enrique and I had danced close to each other for a few songs, our bodies rubbing against each other long after the slow songs had been replaced with uptempo funk. It wasn’t long before he grabbed my hand and pulled me from the dance floor. He temporarily stopped to longingly look at me then he kept going out a side door that in spite of its warning alerted no one to our exit. […]

Outlines and Schedules

Along with a good writing routine (which I’ll write about later), one of the most important things I’ve found useful for actually writing are the twin terrors of outlines and schedules. One really follows the other. For a second lets indulge in a fantasy for a second. For people who have never written anything I’m sure they image writers siting down at a typewriter (what decade is this?) and just vomiting out this magnum opus […]

In da Club

I rushed home early, by that I mean when normal people actually go home for work, and tried not to freak out about this mandatory company party that my boss had ordered me to have fun at. Strip out of my clothes, try not to trip on skirt—though breaking my neck would be an honest excuse to not got to the party, hop in the shower, wash hair, jump out of shower, towel dry hair […]

Write What You’re Passionate About

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. – not Confucius If you want to make a living writing, you no doubt have done searches as to what the best sellers are of your chosen genre. You might have even done research on what genres sell the best. And I don’t think there is anything wrong with wanting to make a living writing or wanting to […]

Learning to Fly

The next week was spent soaking up every bit of advice Jemma, my co-worker, would give me on hair, make up clothes, fashion and the company I was now a part of. I was working long hours as a personal assistant to one of the co-founders, Christine Banks. I wasn’t seeing my friends or my roommate and the only food I was eating was ordered in so we could keep working. Which was awesome since […]

Breaking Through Writing Block By Writing (Something Else)

I wrote a book and published it, I wrote a short story and published it. I wrote about three and a half books and scrapped them for various reasons. (I’m picking the meat off them for other things and reworking the plots of others to do them justice.) I recently started a companion book to my first book, Shameless (you should go check it out if you haven’t already), and after a good start I […]

Climbing the Ladder in Heels

Where was I? Oh ya, field promotion from warehouse organizer to personal assistant. So after having a queer exchange with the very cool owner of the company I work for, she literally grabbed me by the hand and we figuratively ran through the office. Out of the cave where treasure was buried, we made our way through the interns doing menial things that no one else wanted to do but needed to be done—namely “paperwork”. […]