It’s Live! Cover Reveal: Climbing The Ladder In Heels

Today I’m super excited to celebrate the cover reveal for CLIMBING THE LADDER IN HEELS, releasing November 30, 2018. Title: Climbing the Ladder in Heels Genre: New Adult, Chick Lit, Contemporary Romance Release Date: Thursday, November 30, 2017 Cover Designer: Ironwood Publishing Giveaway (open international!) – TBA Blurb: Alex is a recent college graduate going to work at her dream job—well at least her dream company. Unaware, or unsure, of her talents she stubbles through her career […]

My Next Novel…

After three months of radio silence, I’ve got exciting news -my next novel CLIMBING THE LADDER IN HEELS. Cover Reveal tomorrow November 23, 2018. Title: Climbing the Ladder in Heels Genre: New Adult, Chick Lit, Contemporary Romance Release Date: Thursday, November 30, 2017 Cover Designer: Ironwood Publishing  

First Look at Shameless by Ashleigh Sexsmith (New Adult Romance)

TEASER! Shameless – The Sexual Misadventures of a Trust Fund Socialite January 1st Should Auld Acquaintance be Forgot We had had a pre-party party so by the time our car picked us up I was in good spirits… and very expensive spirits too. I was so bummed I was practically phoning it in, Vivienne Westwood black dress and Jimmy Choo. It is quite an under-appreciated skill to be able to navigate an urban environment in […]