It’s Live! Cover Reveal: Climbing The Ladder In Heels

Today I’m super excited to celebrate the cover reveal for CLIMBING THE LADDER IN HEELS, releasing November 30, 2018. Title: Climbing the Ladder in Heels Genre: New Adult, Chick Lit, Contemporary Romance Release Date: Thursday, November 30, 2017 Cover Designer: Ironwood Publishing Giveaway (open international!) – TBA Blurb: Alex is a recent college graduate going to work at her dream job—well at least her dream company. Unaware, or unsure, of her talents she stubbles through her career […]

My Next Novel…

After three months of radio silence, I’ve got exciting news -my next novel CLIMBING THE LADDER IN HEELS. Cover Reveal tomorrow November 23, 2018. Title: Climbing the Ladder in Heels Genre: New Adult, Chick Lit, Contemporary Romance Release Date: Thursday, November 30, 2017 Cover Designer: Ironwood Publishing  

A Night with Enrique

Back to that night. Enrique and I had danced close to each other for a few songs, our bodies rubbing against each other long after the slow songs had been replaced with uptempo funk. It wasn’t long before he grabbed my hand and pulled me from the dance floor. He temporarily stopped to longingly look at me then he kept going out a side door that in spite of its warning alerted no one to our exit. […]

Climbing the Ladder in Heels

Where was I? Oh ya, field promotion from warehouse organizer to personal assistant. So after having a queer exchange with the very cool owner of the company I work for, she literally grabbed me by the hand and we figuratively ran through the office. Out of the cave where treasure was buried, we made our way through the interns doing menial things that no one else wanted to do but needed to be done—namely “paperwork”. […]

November Update

November arrived the clock’s rolled back and I am juggling multiple deadlines. While I’m busy completing the second book in the Celebutante series, The Naked Predator. I have to allow time for editing, formatting, etc. but I will announce the launch date soon. Stay tuned! More Than Love needs additional work and I’ve set it aside for the moment to complete the companion to Shameless. I am finalizing the print version and hope to have that available soon. […]