My Next Novel…

After three months of radio silence, I’ve got exciting news -my next novel CLIMBING THE LADDER IN HEELS. Cover Reveal tomorrow November 23, 2018. Title: Climbing the Ladder in Heels Genre: New Adult, Chick Lit, Contemporary Romance Release Date: Thursday, November 30, 2017 Cover Designer: Ironwood Publishing  

Latin Knights

Needless to say, my weekend was awful. I spent it commiserating with Alicia and Jemma. Have never gotten so drunk before, never will again. Blocked Todd—all of his numbers—from my phone and switchboard. Wish I could make it disappear, but just going to have to own it. Can’t even bury myself in work as most of it has already been done. My friends are sworn to secrecy, not that anyone else knew or cared. Just […]

The Devil Wears Armani

The week started with a booty call from Todd. My life has been so topsy-turvy in the last few weeks. Half the time I’m not sure what week it is, never mind the day. It doesn’t help that at the beginning of the year I was an intern and now I’m trying to blow off steam from a mega-merger. Things the school councillor could never prepare you for… But back to Todd.

Kill Your Idols

So I spent Saturday and Sunday at my boyfriend’s—clothing optional. Best weekend ever! I was looking forward to get back in the trenches with Enrique to finish our secret deal, when Nico grabbed me for lunch. I knew from the moment she interrupted Enrique and I that something was up.

Deadly Couture

Tell me if this surprises you. After planting a seed in my head about going to a fetish event, which both scares and excites me, Todd is back to single word text responses.  He did apologize, as he is very close to closing one of his own deals. I cut him some slack and went online to Google: “what do you wear to a fetish party”. Seems my choices were between anything and nothing. Thanks […]

Burning the Candle at Both Ends

I went home “early” after the first yoga session. I bugged Alicia to help me to reproduce the smoky look that had done me so when at the company mixer. What I really needed was a version for dummies. She did it on me trying to simplify it.  It still looked good, but was far too complicated for me—at least on a daily basis. I wasn’t going to get up an hour early to do […]

Outlines and Schedules

Along with a good writing routine (which I’ll write about later), one of the most important things I’ve found useful for actually writing are the twin terrors of outlines and schedules. One really follows the other. For a second lets indulge in a fantasy for a second. For people who have never written anything I’m sure they image writers siting down at a typewriter (what decade is this?) and just vomiting out this magnum opus […]