The Wrong Coast – Part III

Enrique and I were rudely awaken—and sent scrambling to my room by Amber bumbling through the door. She jokingly called it our run of shame. I asked her to never mention it again. Once clothed, as in wearing a couple of mismatched robes, I awkwardly introduced my college friend to the guy I had just had sex all night long with. I wasn’t surprised that Enrique didn’t seem upset by the whole thing. I was […]

The Wrong Coast – Part II

Alicia bailed on us to do some packing. I felt bad and really should have helped her. She insisted that I go out with Amber. We picked up Jemma to replace her. It never occurred to me that Alicia might be tired. I hadn’t really processed what I had agreed to—or what I was giving up yet. I realize now my dear college friend had.

The Wrong Coast – Part I

Amber must have known about the crazy swirling around the Big Apple. She magically appeared, or maybe Alicia summoned her. I got lots of sympathy friend hugs—at least I hope they were sympathy hugs. Of course they were, Amber respects boundaries. Well, she respects some boundaries, just not the work, drink, dance balance stuff. For once I was OK going to a place with like no men and no chance of going home other than […]