The Wrong Coast – Part II

Alicia bailed on us to do some packing. I felt bad and really should have helped her. She insisted that I go out with Amber. We picked up Jemma to replace her. It never occurred to me that Alicia might be tired. I hadn’t really processed what I had agreed to—or what I was giving up yet. I realize now my dear college friend had.

The Devil Wears Armani

The week started with a booty call from Todd. My life has been so topsy-turvy in the last few weeks. Half the time I’m not sure what week it is, never mind the day. It doesn’t help that at the beginning of the year I was an intern and now I’m trying to blow off steam from a mega-merger. Things the school councillor could never prepare you for… But back to Todd.

Kill Your Idols

So I spent Saturday and Sunday at my boyfriend’s—clothing optional. Best weekend ever! I was looking forward to get back in the trenches with Enrique to finish our secret deal, when Nico grabbed me for lunch. I knew from the moment she interrupted Enrique and I that something was up.

In a City That Doesn’t Sleep

Back in the Big Apple. Things only seem to happen in one of two speeds: fast or light speed. Missed a whole bunch of yoga—and Todd. Enrique comes by at least once a day to try to engage in chit-chat. Jemma usually shoes him away. I know I have this thing with Todd, but it doesn’t mean I don’t like seeing Enrique. And even his attempts at small talk by fishing for something to do […]

Waking Up to the Grind

I spent the week diving headlong into work, which was easy since there’s always so much to do. I also hid myself away and avoided Enrique which became much easier when he went out-of-town for business. Jemma had no problem teasing me when ever an opportunity presented itself. I was just too embarrassed, though I’m not sure why. Yes, I’m not the kind of person who goes home with someone for a one night stand. […]

A Night with Enrique

Back to that night. Enrique and I had danced close to each other for a few songs, our bodies rubbing against each other long after the slow songs had been replaced with uptempo funk. It wasn’t long before he grabbed my hand and pulled me from the dance floor. He temporarily stopped to longingly look at me then he kept going out a side door that in spite of its warning alerted no one to our exit. […]

Outlines and Schedules

Along with a good writing routine (which I’ll write about later), one of the most important things I’ve found useful for actually writing are the twin terrors of outlines and schedules. One really follows the other. For a second lets indulge in a fantasy for a second. For people who have never written anything I’m sure they image writers siting down at a typewriter (what decade is this?) and just vomiting out this magnum opus […]