In da Club

I rushed home early, by that I mean when normal people actually go home for work, and tried not to freak out about this mandatory company party that my boss had ordered me to have fun at. Strip out of my clothes, try not to trip on skirt—though breaking my neck would be an honest excuse to not got to the party, hop in the shower, wash hair, jump out of shower, towel dry hair […]

Write What You’re Passionate About

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. – not Confucius If you want to make a living writing, you no doubt have done searches as to what the best sellers are of your chosen genre. You might have even done research on what genres sell the best. And I don’t think there is anything wrong with wanting to make a living writing or wanting to […]

Breaking Through Writing Block By Writing (Something Else)

I wrote a book and published it, I wrote a short story and published it. I wrote about three and a half books and scrapped them for various reasons. (I’m picking the meat off them for other things and reworking the plots of others to do them justice.) I recently started a companion book to my first book, Shameless (you should go check it out if you haven’t already), and after a good start I […]

Rewriting Someone Else’s Story as a Writing Exercise

I’m currently writing three books (I’ll post about that later), but I’m making some time to do a writing exercise. I was talking to a friend of mine who draws. I asked him if he had ever redrawn a picture or a whole page by another artist. Many times he told me. I know of many amateur and even professional film makers that have redone a film sequence matching the original shot-by-shot. In the visual […]

It’s Long Way To The Top

…or, If you thought writing your book was hard; wait until you try to sell it. While I put off editing my next episodic story collection let me help some of you new self-published authors who have yet to do anything on the publishing side. You are editing your writing and fantasizing of posting it to Amazon–wait, we skipped a few steps… a whole lot of steps. So let’s go back to the beginning. If […]