The week started with a booty call from Todd. My life has been so topsy-turvy in the last few weeks. Half the time I’m not sure what week it is, never mind the day. It doesn’t help that at the beginning of the year I was an intern and now I’m trying to blow off steam from a mega-merger. Things the school councillor could never prepare you for… But back to Todd.

Monday, I snuck out to talk with him. It’s weird that I’m in constant communication with him, but don’t really feel that we talk. Unbeknownst to me, we were negotiating our next encounter. It would involve role-playing and light bondage and discipline—has it only been half a year since college ended. Again it would be up to me to set the stage. I didn’t want to repeat what had been done before. So no maids or school girls. I had no wish to be a cheerleader, in high school or my boyfriend’s bedroom. Doctor and patient seemed too—medical. And boss and secretary seemed too obvious.

All the talk about that was underscored by the things we didn’t talk about. Away from Enrique and going over Legal’s suggestions for my company’s merger, I just want to be able to stay a weeknight at his place, or see him at all during the weekend. I had invited him numerous times to the company socials, which he either had a scheduling conflict or bailed at the last-minute. And even the way we had met through exercise was something I did alone…or at least without him. That all said, I agreed to the boss and secretary scenario. It was as predictable as he was.

And then back to work. Enrique’s face always lit up when I entered the room. He acted like he hadn’t seen me in days even after a quick bathroom break, which was my lame code word for talking to Todd. Enrique was very accommodating to me. He had held my hand when I jumped into the other deal and gave me room as I forged my own path. And in the whole time I had been close to him I wasn’t aware of anyone he was seeing, by which I meant sleeping with.

As much as the merger details, that’s what my mind drifted to when I was around him. Who were the girls he went for and took home. Were they stick thin models, or just the first one to say yes to him. I looked around and wondered how much of the office had slept with him. I wondered how many would sleep with him again. The girl who Enrique picked up at bars would be like…Mercè. Yes! Intelligent, stylish, sophisticated. Anything else would just be a snack to him, like I had probably been.

We frequently caught each other looking at each other for no particular reason. Did he think about the same things I did? OR, was he actually trying to get this deal finished, a deal that would drastically transform the company we were working for. And that work really needed me to focus on the detail to make recommendations, talk with my bosses, and finally communicate with my contacts at our suitor’s company.

I rarely stopped to chat with people in the office. Heck, I practically tried to ignore them knowing that I was basically going to put a lot of them out of a job. I doubt they’d have been that friendly to me if they’d known that. Who knows, maybe I was putting myself out of a job. The irony of making myself redundant as the company pivoted from fashion consultants to retail clothing brand seemed to cathartic.

I had to put all my work together with Enrique. The Asian consortium would be arriving next week to seal the deal. I wasn’t sure when Christine and Nicole would announce it, or what effect it would have in the office. I was very anxious as I gave Enrique a kiss on the cheek before running out of the office. Big date night and I still didn’t have my costume.

I thought of going to that sex shop to look at outfits, but then saw a thrift store and found myself walking in. I’m not usually into retro-fashion or that sort of stuff, but I saw a mannequin outside the shop that sparked my interest. The clerk asked if I needed help with anything, and boy did I.

I was operating under the assumption that I was still headed to dinner followed by some kinky roleplaying. Well I was, but more specifically the boss and secretary thing. I asked about the pencil skirt and faux silk blouse in the window. The sales girl was nice enough to let me take a look. I kind of liked the look, but the fabric was too good for what I had in mind. I pressed her for similar things not tipping off what their purpose would be. She showed me to some similar items to the ones that had been on display. She disappeared to help someone else as I went through the very ‘40s inspired clothing. I skipped over anything that was well put together. I put aside anything that was thin or of questionable construction. I found two skirts and a few blouses. I had my particular favourite, but took some others just in case they didn’t turn out the way I had envisioned.

I asked the clerk if there was a fitting room then felt a bit silly when she pointed to it. I made my way there and drew the curtain across the circular rod. It might have been a stretch to call it a fitting room, especially since the curtain didn’t fully close. Six months ago me would have been terrified that someone might have been lying on the floor at the exact right angle to see a sliver of me as I changed. The current me said good enough. I went for my favourites right away.

The skirt was near perfect—for it’s intended purpose. It should have been a bit tight being one size too small for me, but the stretchy black material accommodated my curvier hips and really sold the stripper businesswoman angle. The blouse was a bust—or more over I was too much bust. I didn’t mind some cleavage and a little bra showing, but the tight white shirt’s buttons strained to stay closed—unless I left it unbuttoned to my navel. Not exactly business friendly even in fantasy land.

The second blouse was just blah. It didn’t scream sexy office lady, just thrift store shirt. The third blouse, I had been reluctant to take. It was a shiny man-made material that looked, but certainly didn’t feel like silk. It felt a bit too dated for the idea in my head. I was busy fumbling with its flimsy buttons as the clerk asked if everything was OK. I told her so far so good. It wasn’t, I was five minutes away from being 10 minute late for dinner with my boyfriend.

When I did up the last button I had a look. It wasn’t bad. Actually it was kind of bad. It wasn’t as tight as the first blouse, but it also had some tugging going on. This might not have been so bad had the small buttons not kept popping open. It wasn’t a sexy cleavage button pop, but a slovenly stomach button pop. I liked it from the bust up, as if there was a way to hide the rest of it. Then I remembered.

I strode out and found the black faux leather corset on the wall. My stride back to the change room was stopped dead in my tracks by a peg board full of cheap wigs. I looked around and saw a tapered bob in black. I added it to my pile before finishing my trip back to the change room.

I loosened the corset up before sliding it over my head. It covered my tummy from my waist to just below my boobs—pushing them a bit up. It certainly covered the worst part of the blouse while pointing the focus to my star attractions. It wasn’t perfect, but it was high-powered business woman via adult movies good enough.

Then I opened the bag of the novelty wig and quickly wrapped up my hair underneath it. I barely recognized myself looking in the warped mirror on the wall. It was way better than some over-priced Halloween costume from a sex store and it was going to be my costume for tonight’s encounter.

I grabbed my stuff and the things I didn’t want and marched up to the counter. I didn’t have time to change, and besides all my thrift store clothes went with my still borrowed red soles—and peek-a-boo bra. The look on the clerk’s face was priceless. It was as more a ‘you go girl’ thing than a ‘you dirty girl’ one. I wasn’t embarrassed to affirmatively answer her somewhat playful inquiry about a big night tonight. Now I think she understood why I was looking for specific items of somewhat dubious quality.

She reached over and said that maybe I’d like a pair of these. I was about to say no to whatever she was handing me when I stopped and looked at them. They were a ‘50s inspired pair of reading glasses. They fit the motif perfectly. I agreed to take them, but she insisted I take them for free. My transaction was interrupted by Todd texting and asking where I was. As I waited for my receipt, I texted him back. “Office attire acquired.” I waited a few seconds before adding, “I’m the boss, you’re the secretary.” That message was followed by “see you in 5.”

The clerk happily gave me the receipt and put my real office clothes in a bag and genuinely wished me a good evening. Then I walked out of the little thrift store like I was a ball-busting businesswoman who wasn’t afraid of her own sexuality. I partially blame binge watching Suits for that.

I certainly attracted a lot of attention on my short stroll to yet another hidden gem in Manhattan. I spotted Todd at a table, but he didn’t recognize me until I sat down next to him. No, that’s not true. He noticed me the second I walked into the restaurant, then was flustered as I sat down next to him. Even after I asked if he had ordered any drinks, it took him a couple of seconds to realize it was me. What had gone on in his head between the time I had walked in and until I spoke? I know the end effect was very exciting to him.

He couldn’t take his eyes off me. He wasn’t the only one in the small place that couldn’t. A few weeks ago I’d have died, OK been severely embarrassed by people looking at me then talking about me. But right then, I felt 10 feet tall—in a disguise. Looking back. it was a transformative thing. At the time, I was method acting. Rather than the hesitant girl I had been, I was decisive and forceful. I even bordered a bit on bossy, but the clothes made me do it. No, the clothes had birthed an idea, which then made me play a part. I shut down most of Todd’s questions, particularly about tonight. It was good to be in control—for once. Todd’s reaction was mixed.

He clearly liked the visuals, but I could see him struggling with my attitude. It wasn’t the strong persona, so much as the bitchiness I was pushing. Also, I wouldn’t explain my text about my reversal of his implied roles. It made him anxious and me powerful. At that dinner, I was that bitchy girl boss and I have to admit it was kind of fun.

After Todd paid the bill in cash we made our way back to his place. I was getting used to people looking at me, well not me, but the role I was playing. Todd didn’t mind that, though he later confessed that people might have thought I was a whore. Thank God he said that afterwards because it would have poked a gigantic hole in the confidence my costume was giving me.

When we finally got back to his place, I dropped all my extraneous stuff and laid out the law. I was a high-powered businesswoman in charge of a global empire and I demanded the best work from all my employees. And you my humble personal assistant see me destroy people who come into my office. You also regularly take the brunt of my wrath for others lack of excellence. I was on fire. I know this as Todd was shrinking back before me. Maybe he was forgetting that tonight was play time, but I hadn’t. It was all the setting I needed for a scenario to reverse the stale and boring boss disciplines incompetent secretary scenario.

I broke character for just a moment to whisper in his ear. The sentence, shorter than a Tweet, made him raise his eyebrows before responding with a single response, “OH!” Then I command him to go upstairs and put on his Armani suit and report back when done. I was getting so good at being the bitchy boss lady.

I dropped method and became Alex for a few seconds as I saw him come down the stairs in his suit. I’d seen it in his closet, but it was the first time I’d seen it on him. It wasn’t an everyday suit, it was something you put on to impress people. I was impressed! Then I resumed my persona.

I barked that I’d be in my office and to not be disturbed. Then I carefully made my way up his floating staircase. I fought the urge to look back at him and instead made my way to Todd’s desk. I moved his two phones and anything that looked important out-of-the-way. I sat in his chair and the only thing I could see was his king-sized bed.

I went about pretending to do important business stuff. Weirdly, my mind skipped to earlier in the day. Enrique. I looked down at the now not blank page and realized it was all the loose ends of a real business deal I was actually working on. How could I be thinking about that stuff now? Or was the whole scenario I was portraying a result of my real work. Did I want control of my life or to not have to be in control of it. Either way the role-playing was mostly me exerting myself into my fantasies and trying to have my cake and eat it too. It was a fantasy and more than just a sexual one.

And while brainstorming in Todd’s bedroom about real work, he popped up onto the landing and called to me. “Ms. Garber?” His tone was meek. He genuinely sounded as if he didn’t want to bother me, but needed to. My response was actually real. “What is it Todd?”

That response kicked him into character. I looked up briefly. That suit hung so nicely on him. I couldn’t wait to… “Ms. Garber, I need you signature on these documents.” And with that the game was on.

“I told you not to bother me Todd!” I really emphasized his name. Maybe I was a bit mad at him for sneaking around to small places and never meeting my friends or going out dancing or… “Couldn’t you have had me do that, the last time you interrupted me.” I was ignoring him as I switched to erotic doodles.

“They just came in, and it’s urgent you sign them.” I could hear the tension in his voice rising. I wondered if anyone had ever talked to him like this before. Well they had now.

“Everything I do is urgent Todd. Don’t I pay you to assist me?” I still didn’t look up. “Seriously, couldn’t you have made sure these were among the last papers or maybe held the others until these came in?” It was an unreasonable request, but not an unfamiliar one I had had in the last few weeks. I think I was enjoying the role-play a little too much. Todd on the otherhand… “You’re as useless as the rest of them…”

Now either Todd was also method acting or had just had enough, but that’s when the fun started.

“You are a total ℉µ©king bitch!” I actually jumped as he lunged across the desk and pulled me out of the chair. It was scary and exhilarating at the same time.

“What are you doing?” I yelled in indignation.

“Giving you a lesson that some one should have taught you long ago!” He pulled me around the desk as I protested.

“You are SO fired!” was the last words I yelled at him before he pushed me down across the desk. “What are you doing?” I panicked as I felt my tight skirt being pulled up.

“Well that’s a surprise.” Todd said it rather ambivalently as the lifting skirt revealed my lack of panties. That was totally not in character, rather just a by-product of being in a hurry and rushing to meet him from work.

“I’ll call security!” I pleaded in character.

“They’d probably only ask for a turn after all the things you put them through.” I was surprised by his creativity. I was afraid he’d be out of his element not starting as the alpha. His hand echoed on my bare bottom to mark the transfer of power. “I should have done this a while ago.” Yes, you should have Todd! He ramped up his spanking. And I must say it was much more ferocious than previous paddlings. I danced at his slaps, not from the pain but from the pleasure.

“If you stop now I’ll forget all about this and…” he cut me short and intensified the spanking. Shortly after we dropped out of the role-play, he tied me up to have sex—after ripping open my thrift store blouse. At the time it was very intense, but not entirely in a good way. I wonder if I pushed him over one of his limits, despite me being the one spanked then bound. Was this the guy that he kept behind that cool facade. One that I probably should have been more worried about than I certainly was at the time.

After he was finished with me he got up without a word and left me still naked and cuffed to the bed. I called to him numerous times. I remember thinking that I had done something wrong, rather than worrying I was handcuffed to a bed in a wig and heels.

When he did return he turned the lights down. He didn’t say anything, but did kiss my cheek before wrapping his arms around me. Although we had discussed something like this before it was not the way I really wanted to spend the night with him. My pleading with him was real this time. He reached up and unlocked the cuffs and then went quiet.

I ran down the stairs and literally put my dress from work over my wig—still intact—and shiny corset then ran to the door. The evening had not finished the way I had hoped. The anger ℉µ©k had been cathartic, but I think each of us had crossed a few lines that night. On my hasty walk back to my place I analyzed the night and knew we’d have to talk about what happened and why, if this was going to continue. We’d have to rewind and start over—maybe at the beginning.

The next day Todd was texting me like nothing happened. In fact he seems to enjoy it more than I’d have thought. The only thing we really agreed on was enjoying the reversal of the boss and secretary with a twist. It had been so much better in my mind, not that it had been bad.

I settled back into work. OK, I was never quite settled when I was around Enrique. He had a strange ability to put me at ease and on guard at the same time. It took me a long time to realize it. It took me just a little longer to realize I liked it. And in between typing and new contract language and redoing spreadsheets, my mind drifted off to a very dangerous place. How would Enrique have responded to the scenario last night. It assumed a few things, like he was into roleplaying and kinkier things—and me.

I imagined the scenario all over again, this time in my office…no, in Nico’s office with the floor to ceiling panaramic windows. Enrique as stunning as usual in a Hugo Boss suit, that one he wears to impress clients and single ladies. Maybe some Italian loafers…no, some leather Oxfords. A white shirt, no tie, and a bit of bare chest—I was going full Harlequin on this one. He hung up his jacket at work, which I no doubt gave him grief about while enjoying the thin white shirt covering his toned tan torso.

In my mind’s eye I upped the quality of my costume. The blouse was real silk with gold, no gunmetal buttons…with white diamonds. It was open and showcased my cleavage and hints of my black decorative bra. The white silk blouse was swallowed by a real corset, that was tight-laced, but not too tight. The skirt was like one I had seen without a label in le trou noir de couture. That one was not stretchy, a proper pencil skirt that screamed erotic bibliognost. In my day-dream the black tapered bob wig was a very dark brown—and actually my own hair.

With the stage set, he knocked and then came in. I hated that he just came in after knocking, but not really. He apologized about the interruption, which I did give him grief about. He put the papers in front of me and asked if I could sign them. I again balked at him for literally shoving them in front of me as I was working on something else, the presumptuousness of him. But I trusted him…no depended on him, regardless of how poorly I treated him—so I signed them without reading them.

It was only after I handed the papers back to him that I noticed the smile on his face. He didn’t smile much around me, because I was a bitch. I asked him what he was doing waiting around, you know not doing work. He said he didn’t have to. I looked up from my desk and told him his cute little butt wasn’t going to save him from getting fired for not doing his work. He just waved the papers at me. I didn’t know what he was implying. Well actually, I knew exactly what he was hinting at since it was my daydream.

He told me he didn’t have to worry anymore about me. He held up the first paper and claimed it made him unfirable, at least by me. I demanded to see the paper I had signed but not read. Instead he waved the second paper at me. It stated that he was now raised to an equal status as I was—effective immediately. That incensed me even more. I stood up and defiantly made my way around the large desk.

And finally he waved the last piece of paper as I approached him. He said it was an admission of how badly I had treated himself and others and that I was resigning immediately. With three simple signatures he had replaced me with himself. I desperately lunged at him to grab or see the papers to see if I had agreed to what he had just said. He easily evaded me. He was so crafty…and deviously hot!

I demanded then quickly pleaded to see the papers. He no doubt knew I intended to grab them and rip them into a million pieces. He lured me back to my desk like a matador did a bull. And just as I thought I was going to grab them from him he wrapped his hand around my wrist. Then he offered me an ultimatum—an offer I couldn’t refuse.

If I admitted I had been a horrible boss and deserving of a punishment then he’d give me the papers and all that entailed. So for some kind of payback, I’d save my job and fire him shortly after…though I would miss his handsome face and tanned chest around my office. I quickly agreed, thinking I’d have to pay him some money or Ooo!, maybe make some kind of Snapchat confessional about my horrible bossiness.

He put the papers on my desk as he turned the wrist lock into a handshake to seal the deal. I didn’t have long to wonder about what temporary humiliation I’d have to put up with to keep the status quo. He spun me around and pushed me down on my own desk…looking out over the New York skyline. He told me in no uncertain terms how cruel and demeaning I had been to him…to everyone. I flinched at the first spank. My alter-ego now realized what she had agreed to—both frightened and excited by it. My handsome personal assistant rang off a litany of poor behaviour as the room echoed with his powerful slaps to my upturned bottom.

I was embarrassed, that as a full-grown woman I was getting spanked by my own secretary. I was embarrassed at how much I was enjoying it. His words and hand slowed down and I thought that was it. A few minutes of prurient debasement and then I could start my search for a new assistant. The short spanking didn’t seem much to lose your job over.

When he asked me if I had learned my lesson, I told him that next time I’d find a better assistant—after he was gone. I have to admit the part of this fantasy that I really enjoyed was pushing the edge—and thoroughly deserving what I got.

His response was to grab me by the hair and yell words that I rarely like to hear as he dragged me over to the armless chair in front of my desk. He hauled me over his lap and resumed my spanking much more intimately. I threw a hissy fit—more, not less defiant, which didn’t serve my alter-ego very well. With one hand he pinned my arm to my back as he pulled down the zipper of my expensive designer skirt. My alter-ego panicked as she realized things were about to get even more humiliating than she had imagined.

I told him to stop and that it was his last chance, but it wasn’t the high-powered commands I was used to ordering, but the sad pleading of someone in dire need of a good bare bottom spanking. Somewhat accepting my fate I beg him to not pull down my skirt. It was to no avail. Not only did I not get to keep my skirt on, I didn’t get to keep my skirt—as he ripped it into two before resuming my punishment.

There was only a lacy thong that protected my modesty. He used it to further subvert me as he grabbed it and wedged it between my cheeks, reddened my bum with each successful hit to my bare skin. I squirmed not just from the repeated patterns of his hand, but from the course fabric of my underwear rubbing across sensitive areas.

My bottom was red and on fire. He stopped to give me one last opportunity to confess and recant my deplorable management style. One last defiant stand—or maybe an unknown submission prompted my alter ego to tell him to go to H-E-double-hockey-sticks!  And then my irritating underwear was not longer a problem—because it was around my ankles.

He continued to spank me until I begged him to continue. He not only coaxed a confession and an apology out of me, but an admission that I enjoyed what he was doing. My alter-ego knew this was what she had always craved from Enrique, him subservient to her in the office and me subservient to him sexually. It ended with him massaging me to orgasm.

Actually it ended with him showing me the papers. The first one was indeed a letter giving him job security—and a raise. The other two were actually just Lorem ipsum gibberish which I subsequently ripped up and dropped in the recycling basket. I handed him back his raise and told him he had earned it. I yanked it back at the last-minute making him promise to remind me should I get too bitchy at him, or the rest of the staff. He knew what I meant as he grabbed the paper out of my hand. I stopped him before he left my office. One more thing Mr. Molinero, I need you to get me a skirt. He just winked as he…


In real life Enrique was wondering where I had been the last few minutes. Better for both of us if he didn’t know. I would have to replace that daydream, with a few tweaks, back at home—in the bath. I tried very hard the rest of Friday to focus on the work. Luckily was it pretty much done as my brain would look up at my co-worker and slip to a dangerous place.

At the end of the day I collected everything and made my way home early—for me. I couldn’t let things cloud my judgement. I had used my work to keep my mind off my dilemma. On one hand was Todd. I knew what he wanted and was easy to deal with. He was only available when it suited him though. On the other hand Enrique was warm to me, but pretty much a mystery as to where I stood with him. He was ever present. Todd was a known known. Enrique a known unknown. It would be foolish to throw away my relationship with Todd in hopes that Enrique, both wanted me—like I wanted him, and we were even compatible in anything other than fantasies. I was unhappy in my relationship, but not sure I should jump for something ‘better’. I desperately want a sign.

And as I neared my apartment building I heard my ring tone. Hopeful it was one of the men I had been thinking of, I pulled my phone from my purse and answered without look at who was calling.


“Hello… who is this?”

“I’m sorry, who am I speaking to?”

“Todd’s wife…”

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